Climate change has been a recurring problem throughout the world approximately 11,700 years ago (more information at's%20climate%20has%20changed%20throughout,era%20%E2%80%94%20and%20of%20human%20civilization). I have always been very concerned and in tune with the affects of climate change in the world as this was heavily conveyed in my secondary school. I highly enjoyed the Netflix documentary by David Attenborough “A Life on Our Planet” and it had inspired me and furthered my knowledge on the world the many impacts climate change has had on it. For a better understanding of the impacts of climate change visit We, as humans on that live on this planet, have a strong obligation and responsibility to take care of the planet we live in. The importance of wildlife and plants in Earths ecosystem needs to be known to the people in this world as they are the foundation of how we as the human civilisation continue to strive, live and persevere in our lovely green and blue planet. There are countless ways in which we can help our planet and its inhabitants no matter how big or small.
These ways to prevent climate change and many more can benefit our planets climate despite their minimalities. Our use of everyday resources such as our energy consumption can be switched to solar energy instead of gas/oil. Using less 02 and greenhouse gas consumption helps the atmosphere and Having a greener diet may also benefit not just our worlds climate but also our own health. The effective usage of our recyclable and reusable items is also a minimal yet effective way to combat the worsening condition of climate change in this world. If the whole world’s population participated in the prevention of climate change we could help lessen the damage being dealt to our world. Its coming to the point where climate change will not be reversible but its still not to late to do something about it. (If you want more information on what you can do visit ).
As for me I have already been taking action towards this. I started walking more instead of driving and I have continued reusing and recycling whatever I can. When I see some pieces of plastic thrown randomly anywhere I usually pick it up and throw it away so It doesn’t affect the environment. That’s only a few things I have done which I stated and now to anyone and everyone who is reading this go make a change now and start taking action towards climate change.